Bangle School

Bangle School

Bangle School

Genre : Fantasy and Sitcom

Target : Ages 9 to 12

Length : 3 min 30 sec x 78 episodes

Format : Full HD CGI Animation


"Nine students are invited to Bangle School where dreams come true!"
The strange teacher Punklin invites the children to the school and starts to watch them under the Absolute School Rules which prohibits dating or secret crush as the children start getting interested in romantic relationship. She uses her magical power to punish anyone breaking this Rules and continues her extraordinary and riddling class. Will the children be able to safely graduate from Bangle School and make their dreams come true after all?

  • Bangle School
  • Bangle School
  • Bangle School
  • Bangle School
  • Bangle School
  • Bangle School
  • Bangle School
  • Bangle School
  • Bangle School